Our Best Deal – Reg. $1,164.00...Now 349.00 payments available at checkout.
For a limited time, unlock all 15 taxidermy courses for the unbeatable price of $349! Never has this level of savings been offered before, making this the perfect moment to invest in your future. Whether you're a hobbyist or taking your first steps toward becoming a professional taxidermist, this collection is your ultimate guide.
With over 200 hours of professionally filmed footage captured to make these courses, you'll experience the artistry of taxidermy like never before, as Master Taxidermist Bill Atkins leads you through each step with detailed close-ups and easy-to-follow instructions.
What's Included:
- Whitetail Deer
- Bass Fish Taxidermy
- Flying Duck
- Climbing Bobcat
- Bugling Elk
- Mule Deer
- Pronghorn Antelope
- Caping, Fleshing, and Tanning for Taxidermy Mounts
- Strutting Turkey
- Climbing Squirrel
- Rug – Hide Tanning
- European and Rack Mounts
- Fish Restoration – Gun Rack
Each course is more than just a video—it’s a masterclass, taking you through the entire process from start to finish, so you can create professional-quality trophies every time.
Why Act Now?
- Unmatched Value: Get all 15 courses for just $349—Reg. 1,164.00
- For Beginners : These courses are designed for beginners but will challenge even seasoned taxidermists with pro tips and techniques.
- Perfect Gift: Know a hunter or wildlife enthusiast? This is the ideal gift that keeps on giving.
Don’t miss out—this sale won’t last forever. Act fast and get ready to bring your taxidermy game to the next level!
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